Kimberley and Joe got married yesterday, at Coolibah Downs on the Gold Coast. The wedding was absolutely gorgeous (and didn’t the Goldie turn it on with the weather!)
Here are a couple of sneakies for you!
More to come very soon!

Words to describe last week – fun, exciting, happy, sad, productive.
This weekend I’ve got Kimberley and Joe’s wedding – so excited!!! Look out for previews over the weekend!

So I’m going to have a little on-going fun on my website and I’m inviting you all to join me.
Recently I was trying to come up with a little by-line for my business name, ‘Bruce Loves Susie’. I didn’t want to just have ‘photography’ written under there. Coz that’s boring, right?! It had to convey more than that! It had to be a statement! It had to sum up all my feelings about photography into a few measly words!
And then I got a little deflated about the whole thing when I couldn’t come up with something awesome.
So I turned to Jadey, my best friend and fellow idiot.
Jade and I many years ago (check out my dark hair!). We’re looking very shifty.
(I obviously mean that in the nicest possible way; I mean it in the ‘we think we are hilarious but nobody else seems to’ way.) Plus she’s SUPER smart (contradiction to ‘idiot’ I know), and has a really awesome way of viewing things. I thought, if anyone would be able to help me come up with a fantastic line, it would be her. So I got online and messaged her and said, “I’m trying to come up with a cool by-line for my photography – I’d love for it to reference something from our childhood pop culture. Any ideas?” and then, everything descended into madness.
I did forewarn you that we are idiots.
What next ensued was about an hour of us coming up with the stupidest, funniest by-lines that referenced anything from the 80s and 90s that we could remember – some of it incorporating photography, most of it just sounding ridiculous. And once we had well and truly ruined the exercise, Jadey said, ‘maybe you could have a revolving set of these in your header?’
And the world exploded.
So this is it – this is the game. Every couple of weeks my website header is going to change to feature a different by-line. And that by-line is going to reference some sort of pop culture from the 80s, 90s and maybe a little of the early 00s. It might just be a title of a song, or it might be a line from a movie, something like that. Some will be pretty damn easy, others might be quite hard! I’ll announce the change-over on facebook at which point the game is on for the first person to comment (on facebook) and say what the by-line is referencing.
The winner will get a prize. Or something. I haven’t quite figured that out but I will offer something! If many people comment with the right answer, I’ll put all of those people in a draw and pull out a name. It’s going to be so much FUN. (If the fun we had coming up with them was anything to go by, get ready to have your day made.)
There is one already up there – do you know what it is?
Visit and let the games BEGIN!

We have a new foster cat staying with us. His name is Bandit. He’s a 1 year old black and white medium hair male who was brought in a stray to the RSPCA by a caring member of the public.
When Bandit was brought in he wasn’t moving, and the nurses thought he might have tick paralysis. But upon conducting an exam, they found that Bandit’s front left leg was broken (probably from a dog attack or something similar). So the way ahead was clear – Bandit needed surgery!
With his leg set with pins, Bandit was ready to go out on foster for weeks of rest and healing. And so he found his way to me. :)
I brought Bandit home and set him up in our main bathroom, then left him alone to have a rest. After a little while I checked in on him and gave him a little cuddle – I’ve never met a more affectionate cat! However, while he was smooching all over me, I looked down and realised – his leg wound had split open! Didn’t I get a shock! So Friday night turned into an emergency trip to the RSPCA vet hospital!
The nurses took one look at Bandit’s leg and there was no doubt – it needed to be cleaned and stapled up! So with Bandit purring the whole time (the craziest cat I’ve met – who is that calm when visiting the vet?!) I held Bandit and stroked his fur while the nurses patched his leg up.
Phew! What a start to our relationship! I’ve spent the last 48 hours monitoring Bandit to make sure he’s okay. He’s doing really well – he’s a bit shaky on his leg but he’s resting a lot, which is exactly what we want. He’ll stay with us for around 6 weeks to make sure his leg heals properly – hopefully he’ll be able to move around a bit better as the weeks go on!
The nurses told me that on Bandit’s file the RSPCA had written in the notes section that his nickname is ‘Sir Purrs-alot!’ I can definitely see why! He’s such a beautiful cat with the most darling nature. :) I’ll keep you updated on Bandit’s process and, of course, if you or someone you know is thinking about adopting a little love into your life, you absolutely cannot go past Bandit! I’m already falling in love with him. :)

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