I’m not sure that anything I could say could convey how wonderful this wedding was.
Somehow everything was perfect – the place, the details, the simplicity, the love, the people. Mostly the last two. I’ve never felt so welcomed! Like I wasn’t just a photographer, I was a guest and a friend, too.
Dominee and Barry contacted me about a month out from their wedding – a month! – and when I heard what kind of wedding they were planning on Dominee’s Aunt and Uncle’s property, I was secretly jumping out of my skin to photograph it. (Or maybe not so secretly. Dominee and Barry probably thought I was a bit overt about the whole thing, actually.) Luckily they weren’t put off by my enthusiasm and we were right to go.
Good thing that they weren’t put off by my enthusiasm, because the first thing I did when I arrived on the day was yell at the best man, “THIS PLACE IS AWESOME!”. I just couldn’t contain it.
Labradors, orange tree groves, macadamia nut tree groves, converted stables, chickens (chickens!!), beautiful dams with cows mooing across the way, photo booths, shetland ponies dressed in tuxedos (!!!!), amazing homemade food, amazing people. I hope the pictures below convey even a TINY BIT of how awesome all of that really is.
Perfection. :)

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