Community fans like myself were dirty. What do you expect, NBC, when you put the show in a time slot where it must go up against Big Bang Theory?
Anyway. I digress.
The last episode that we saw before the show was benched was called ‘Regional Holiday Music’ – a send up of all things glee. It was genius, of course. I’m going to share with you Troy and Abed’s Christmas rap, which was the highlight of the episode. I love you, Troy and Abed.
All Community episodes to date are available for US citizens to watch on – as for here in Australia, you will need to grab the DVDs of season one and two, wherever you can. They aren’t expensive. For now, remember to save Christmas to save your friends, and cross your fingers for April next year.

Two bubby kittens. :)
Introducing Rob and Sansa, my two current RSPCA foster darlings. Rob Stark, (Lord of Winterfell) the little chocolate brown boy, and his sister Sansa have been settling in quite nicely at our place over the last couple of weeks. Sansa is such a little lady, though she can be cunning and quick at play! Rob is so friendly and brave, trotting around to explore everything, and was the first to say hello to our own cat, Dexter.
If you or anyone you know would be interested in adopting either of these gorgeous things, please contact me!

It was my Mum’s 60th birthday a couple of months ago, and it was decided that the family should celebrate with a ‘birthday month’ – presents, parties, and ultimately a holiday away in Noosa to hang out.
It was also my nephew’s 4th birthday. So we were living it up.
Here are some holiday snaps. I hope you like them. :)
What is your fondest holiday memory? Is it a certain place, or just the people you were with?

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