Rebecca and I go way back. I mean waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back. We were in kindy together and used to spend a lot of weekends at each others’ house (or, as I recall, I spent most of the time at her house, because she had a trampoline AND a Nintendo and I had NOTHING COOL, so her house it was). One time, when I was having my birthday (I think it might have been my 8th birthday?), Rebecca was at my birthday party at my house. Her mum called to ask if she might be able to stay overnight, because she’d just gone into labour with who would soon become Rebecca’s little brother. So she did. We were tight like that.
Years passed and Rebecca and I went to different high schools and drifted apart for a while. As with most people of our generation, we ended up finding each other on facebook a couple of years ago. And, like some weird small world magic, we kind of ended up getting engaged around the same time. And then kind of ended up planning our weddings in the same month.
And then Bec asked me to be her wedding photographer.
The world is a strange, awesome, fateful place.
Can I tell you something? She really hasn’t changed much. Except that maybe she looks more like her mum. And I can tell you right now, she would say the exact same thing about me.
This is Rebecca and LJ. Engage!

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