Posted on Tuesday, February 12, 2013 · Leave a Comment
So here we are; I can finally share some photos of my Nana’s 90th with you! Yay!
If you’re not aware, a couple of weeks ago I went down to Sydney to celebrate my Nana’s 90th birthday with my extended family (thus also making the situation like a family reunion, too). This is my mother’s side of the family and they all live in Sydney, while my immediate family are the ones that live interstate (my parents, my sister and I on the Gold Coast and Brisbane and my brother in Melbourne).
I used to spend a lot of time in Sydney as a kid. My cousins and I are all around the same age so we hung out together quite a bit. Some of the happiest memories of my childhood are of holidays spent visiting family in Sydney. It’s a shame that, as we got older, we spent less and less time together. But it’s nice to realise that my cousins have all become pretty cool adults. :)
This Nana in question is actually the Nana that my business is named after – Susie! And since we lost Bruce a few years ago, every year that we have with Susie is special to us. I’m so happy that we could all be there to celebrate with her, with each other, and spend some quality time catching up with the goings-on of each other’s lives.
Let me premise the next image by saying – my Uncle Ken was the bear. In the bear trap. According to my little niece Lily!
And I love this next photo – this is what getting a big bunch of people together for a group photograph looks like!!
But in the end, my cousin Erin’s boyfriend Gavin got this photograph (fantastic work Gavin! Please excuse the bad quality as I stole this from facebook! haha):
We then took Nana (poor Nana!) outside for some more family photographs like the one below – all of the grandchildren (and one great grandchild) together with Nana!
And this next photo was very special to my sister – she wanted to get the 4 generations of women in the family. Also, might I add, doesn’t Nana look lovely in her dress?
There’s nothing much to say about this next photo except… I’m sure my brother loves his sisters… :-/
This is what happens when you let your brother take over photography duties:
My mother with her brother:
It was a really, really lovely day. My cousin Vicki gave a beautiful speech about how much we all love Nana, telling her ‘look at what you created!’, and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. I’m so glad that we all got to be together for such a momentous occasion.
Luke and I had the following day to explore Sydney before we had to fly back home to Brisbane. It was a beautiful day on the harbour.
So there you go – that was my trip to Sydney. Here’s to many more years with Nana Susie! And to many more years spent with family. :)