Posted on Saturday, February 16, 2013 · 2 Comments
I figured it was about time for me to share my 2013 dreams with you, seeing as 2013 is well and truly underway.
New Years Eve 2012 bonfire
I’ve never been one for New Year’s Resolutions – or should I say, I never been one for being able to tick them all off the list when I write them down at the beginning of the year! Too many times I have written them down in a diary, shiny with hope that by the end of the year I will be able to put a big line through all of them (did I mention that I like writing lists?), and only ever really accomplishing maybe half, if I’m lucky. Which just makes me frowny by the end of the year, really.
So this year I’m not doing that, instead I’m going to tell you some dreams that I have for 2013. And maybe I’ll achieve them in 2013, maybe not. Maybe they will carry on! We’ll see. So here goes!
Dreams for 2013
To grow my photography business.
A no-brainer, right?! I’m totally motivated to grow my business, not just in the number of weddings or portraits that I photograph, but also in the level of service that I provide and the joy that I get out of every job. I want to learn more about my clients, really get in to the details of what makes them a great couple, and then use that to produce gorgeous pictures for them. :)
To photograph more!
Sort of following on from the last one, I just want to photograph more! I spend so much of my time photographing other people that I forget to photograph my own life sometimes! I think that my day-to-day must be so boring as to not warrant any pictures, but I think I will regret that once I get older when I want to look back at my younger years. And now that I’m married (!), I want to document more of our crazy life together!
To go to America.
Luke and I have never been to the US, and we’ve always wanted to go. Finally, this year, we might be able to do it. But it’s dependant on a lot of factors that I can only hope will come together for us! I REALLY want to go to Broadway and see every musical conceivable that’s currently playing. If it doesn’t happen, we will just have to push this dream back a little bit, but that’s okay. An on-going dream, perhaps?
To learn something new.
This could be anything, really. A new skill, a new way of living? A new philosophy? I’m not sure! At the beginning of the year I bought a bunch of books on gardening, so maybe it will be gardening! That is definitely something I would like to learn more about. Attending Matt and Katie’s workshop last month started me on a path of learning for 2013, and I’m already inspired. I love learning; I don’t think we ever stop really, right? At any rate, I don’t want to stop!
What are your dreams for 2013? Maybe it’s something simple, or maybe it’s something huge? Maybe you’re getting married and your dream is the fruition of your wedding! That was certainly my dream last year. Whatever it is, let me know! Join my Team Awesome Dreams 2013!

Superb blog!!! I really enjoyed the article. Keep up the good work.
Wow! Reading this made me realise it's already halfway through the year! Where has 2013 gone?!
Love reading about your dreams :) I hope you are smashing them all! :) xox